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Kotaku Blacklisted by Nintendo for Posting Leaks

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Video game website Kotaku cut off by Nintendo for posting leaks

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Kotaku, one of the internet's most popular video game websites, has been blacklisted by Nintendo for posting leaks about their upcoming games. This move comes after the website was already blacklisted by Bethesda, the publisher of the Fallout and Elder Scrolls series. Kotaku has been known to post leaks and insider information about upcoming games, which has earned them a reputation as a controversial website among some in the gaming industry.

The blacklisting by Nintendo means that Kotaku will no longer be able to receive pre-release review copies of upcoming games, which could hurt their ability to provide timely and accurate reviews to their readers. The move also sends a message to other gaming websites that posting leaks about Nintendo's games will not be tolerated.

According to a director at Nintendo, the leaks posted by Kotaku have hurt the company's ability to build anticipation for their upcoming releases. The director also stated that Nintendo values the relationship they have with their fans, and that the leaks posted by Kotaku undermine that relationship.

Kotaku has responded to the blacklisting by publishing an article that is essentially a self-pity party. The article discusses how difficult it is to be a journalist in the video game industry, and how unfair it is that Kotaku has been blacklisted for posting leaks. The article also mentions that Kotaku has been blacklisted by other publishers in the past, and that this is not an uncommon occurrence in the industry.

While Kotaku may feel like they are being unfairly targeted, the fact remains that posting leaks about upcoming games is a violation of the trust that publishers have in the media. Publishers rely on the media to help build anticipation for their games, and when that trust is broken, it can have a negative impact on their ability to market their games effectively.

One of the leaks that got Kotaku blacklisted by Nintendo was related to the upcoming game Splatoon 3. According to a director at Famitsu, the second part of the expansion pack for Splatoon 3 will feature both story and gameplay mechanics.

This is not the first time that Kotaku has been in hot water for posting leaks. In 2018, the website posted a list of upcoming games that included references to the Sandy Hook and Uvalde shooters. The list was quickly removed from the website, but the damage had already been done.

Despite the fact that Kotaku has been blacklisted by Nintendo and other publishers, the website remains popular among gamers. They continue to publish reviews and news about games, and their reporters are still able to attend industry events and report on them.

The controversy surrounding Kotaku's blacklisting is just one example of the ongoing tension between the gaming industry and the media that covers it. As someone who has written about games for nearly 20 years, I can attest to the fact that this tension is not new. Publishers want to control the narrative around their games, while the media wants to provide accurate and honest coverage.

In the end, it's up to each individual gamer to decide who they trust when it comes to information about upcoming games. Some gamers may choose to trust Kotaku, despite their reputation for posting leaks. Others may choose to only trust information that comes directly from the publishers themselves.

As for Nintendo, it remains to be seen whether their decision to blacklist Kotaku will have a lasting impact on the website's ability to cover their games. One thing is for sure, however: the tension between the gaming industry and the media is unlikely to go away anytime soon.

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