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Nintendo Indie World Showcase Unveils Upcoming Games

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The latest Nintendo Indie World showcase presents new looks at upcoming games.

description: a screenshot of a gameplay trailer for an upcoming indie game on the nintendo switch. the game features a colorful and whimsical art style and a character who is riding a skateboard through a busy city street. it looks like there are several obstacles to avoid, including other pedestrians and cars. the trailer also shows the character performing tricks and jumps off of ramps and rails. the caption at the bottom of the screen reads "olliolli world: coming winter 2021."

Nintendo has always been a household name in the gaming industry, with its innovative consoles and beloved franchises like Super Mario and The Legend of Zelda. As the company continues to expand, it has been hosting regular showcases to reveal its upcoming games and features. The latest one, the Nintendo Indie World showcase, arrived on April 19, and it did not disappoint.

For a solid 20 minutes, the presentation treated viewers to new looks at several exciting indie games that are coming to the Nintendo Switch in the near future. From action-packed adventures to atmospheric mysteries, the showcase had something for everyone. Here are some of the highlights:

One of the most anticipated games in the showcase was Oxenfree II: Lost Signals, the sequel to the critically acclaimed Oxenfree. The game takes place five years after the events of the first game and follows a new cast of characters as they explore a mysterious island and uncover its secrets. The game features a unique dialogue system that allows players to shape the story through their choices.

Another standout game was OlliOlli World, a colorful and charming skateboarding game that features a huge open world to explore. The game promises to be accessible to newcomers while still offering plenty of challenges for experienced players. The game's developer, Roll7, also announced that it will be releasing a physical edition of the game for the Nintendo Switch.

Other notable games in the showcase included The Longing, a slow-paced adventure game that takes place over 400 days in real time; Hindsight, a puzzle game that lets players rewind time to solve challenges; and Fez, a classic indie game that has been remastered for the Nintendo Switch.

But perhaps the most surprising moment of the showcase came when popular YouTuber videogamedunkey made an appearance. No one knew quite what to expect, but it definitely wasn't videogamedunkey. The YouTuber, known for his humorous and irreverent videos, shared his excitement for some of the games in the showcase and even got to interview some of the developers.

Of course, no Nintendo showcase would be complete without some updates on the company's biggest franchises. The presentation included a brief look at a new DLC for the hit game Among Us, which will feature costumes and hats inspired by Nintendo characters like Mario and Link. There was also a new trailer for the highly anticipated sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. While the trailer didn't reveal much, fans were still thrilled to get a glimpse of the game in action.

While the Nintendo Indie World showcase was full of exciting announcements, there were also some controversies surrounding the company. Discord, the popular messaging app used by gamers, is facing a subpoena to reveal private user information to Nintendo. The company is also dealing with the fallout from the arrest and sentencing of Gary Bowser, a member of the hacking operation Team Xecuter that has long been a target of Nintendo's lawyers.

Despite these challenges, it's clear that Nintendo is still committed to bringing gamers the best possible experiences. From Pokémon Scarlet and Violet to Breath of the Wild, there are plenty of great games to enjoy on the Nintendo Switch. And with new titles like Oxenfree II and OlliOlli World on the horizon, the future looks bright for Nintendo and its fans.

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