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PS5 Slim Vertical Stand: A Must-Have Accessory for the Sleek Console

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Discover the slimmer and smaller PS5 model and its vertical stand.

description: an image showing a sleek and compact ps5 console standing vertically with the ps5 slim vertical stand attached.

If you've been holding out for a smaller PS5 model that isn't the size of an otherworldly aircraft, your prayers have been answered. Sony has whipped up a slim version of the PS5 console, but it's been selling out almost as fast as the listings go up at online retailers. Just how much slimmer and smaller is Sony's new PlayStation 5 console with a removable disc drive? Here it is compared to the original PS5.

The new PS5 Slim model is 30 percent slimmer than its predecessor, making it a more compact and visually appealing option for gamers. However, if you want a PS5 Slim Vertical Stand, you'll need to buy it separately. Unlike the original PS5, which came with a vertical stand included, the slimmer version requires an additional purchase.

Sony has just revealed a redesigned PS5 model that will be replacing the launch version later this year. The new PS5 is 30 percent slimmer and offers the same powerful gaming experience. However, PlayStation 5 owners will need to buy a vertical stand for their new consoles, as the new model will no longer come with one.

The decision to sell the PS5 Slim Vertical Stand separately may disappoint some gamers who were expecting it to be included with the console. However, it does offer more flexibility for users who may prefer to lay their console horizontally or already have a stand from a previous PS5 model.

Andy Robinson, a gaming journalist, highlights that Sony's new, slimmer PlayStation 5 model requires a separate $30 / £25 / Є30 stand for the console to safely stand upright. Sony seems to be capitalizing on the demand for the sleeker design by offering the stand as an additional accessory.

The PS5 Slim Vertical Stand is a necessary accessory for those who prefer to display their console vertically. It ensures stability and prevents any potential damage to the console while standing upright. While it may add an extra cost to the overall purchase, it offers peace of mind and enhances the visual appeal of the console.

The newly announced PS5 redesign, which everyone is casually calling the PS5 Slim, has been receiving mixed reactions from gamers. While many appreciate the slimmer design, the separate purchase requirement for the vertical stand has sparked some criticism. Some players feel that Sony should have included the stand with the console, considering its importance for vertical positioning.

If you're like so many players, you probably like to stand your console up vertically. Well, Sony's gonna ask for an extra fee as the PS5 Slim doesn't come with a vertical stand. It needs to be bought separately, which may disappoint some fans who were hoping for a more seamless experience.

In conclusion, the PS5 Slim Vertical Stand is a must-have accessory for those who choose to display their console vertically. While it is an additional purchase, it ensures stability and adds to the sleek design of the PS5 Slim. Sony's decision to sell the stand separately may divide opinions, but it offers flexibility for users who have different preferences for console placement.

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