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PlayStation 6: What We Know So Far

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Get the latest updates on Sony's upcoming PlayStation 6 console, including release date speculation and what games to expect.

Description: A close-up of the PlayStation 6 console, with a white and black design, and the PlayStation logo in the center.

The long-awaited PlayStation 6 console from Sony is rumored to be coming soon. As speculation about the console's release date mounts, it's important to stay up to date on all of the latest information. Here's what we know so far about the PlayStation 6.

First, let's discuss the release date. While there is no official release date for the PlayStation 6 yet, fans can expect a new PlayStation console from Sony as early as the end of 2023 or 2024. However, the new console is not going to be the Sony PlayStation 5, but rather a brand new console.

Next, let's talk about the games. Pre-order now for Outfit 1 Color 10 for Chun-Li, Jamie, Manon, Dee Jay, Juri, and Ken. PlayStation Store pre-order offers an extra bonus of 18. In a recent PlayStation blog post, the unique characteristics and signature moves of each character were outlined. Zangief, the first grappler, is known for his relentless grappling moves. Street Fighter 6 release date. Street Fighter 6 launches worldwide for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Windows, and PlayStation 4 on June 2. An action-packed fighting game, Street Fighter 6 boasts an impressive roster of returning and new characters.

Release dates for some of the upcoming games have already been announced. Release Date: 3 March 2023. Platform(s): PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Windows PC ... Release Date: 6 March 2023. They said they should know if a Persona 6 teaser will appear at Sony's next show ahead of then, likely related to rumors of a PlayStation.

Since the launch of PlayStation 5 just over two years ago, fans have been eagerly anticipating the next generation of console gaming. It looks like the wait may soon be over. We've heard rumors of some highly anticipated titles coming to the PlayStation 6, including Resident Evil 4: Remake and Street Fighter 6, as well as upcoming expansions for games like Cyberpunk 2077, Horizon Zero Dawn, and more.

Another exciting game that fans will be looking forward to on the PlayStation 6 is Action RPG Trinity Trigger. This game will launch for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC. Details on digital editions will be announced at a later date.

Finally, there are rumors that Sony may be releasing a slimmer version of the PlayStation 5, and it may even come with the PlayStation 6. This rumor comes from a site called, which previously leaked the release date for the slimmer PS5 that was verified by known leaker @IronManPS5.

At this point, all we can do is wait and see what Sony has in store for us with the PlayStation 6. It's sure to be an exciting time for console gamers, and we can't wait to see what the future holds.

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