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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth: The Next Chapter of the Remake Trilogy

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The highly anticipated sequel to the Final Fantasy VII Remake has been revealed with a release window and exciting new details.

description: a screenshot from the gameplay trailer of final fantasy vii rebirth, showing cloud and his companions in a lush green forest with a towering castle in the distance.

After years of anticipation, the next entry in the Final Fantasy VII Remake trilogy has been fully revealed at Summer Game Fest. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, the sequel to the remake of the beloved RPG, finally has a release window. It'll be coming to the PS5 in early 2024.

The announcement came with a new gameplay trailer that showcased the stunning graphics and exciting battles that fans have come to expect from the series. The trailer also revealed that Final Fantasy VII Rebirth comes on two discs, and Square Enix really wants you to know it.

It's a big one - Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will be spread across two discs when it launches on PS5, Square Enix confirmed. This is likely due to the game's massive scope and the amount of content that will be included in the sequel. Fans can expect a lengthy and immersive experience that will take them beyond the city of Midgar and into new and exciting locations.

The journey beyond Midgar will finally be upon us with the arrival of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, which aims to branch off in a major way from the original game's story. The game's director has stated that they want to create a new experience that will surprise and delight fans, while still staying true to the spirit of the original game.

Fresh gameplay of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth was shown at tonight's Summer Game Fest with a release window reveal of early 2024. The gameplay showcased Cloud and his companions exploring a beautiful forest area, battling fierce monsters, and encountering new characters and enemies.

One of the most exciting aspects of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is its branching storyline. The game's developers have promised that players will have more choices and options than ever before, and that their decisions will have a real impact on the story and characters. This means that fans can expect multiple playthroughs to see all the different outcomes and possibilities.

Despite being a sequel to the Final Fantasy VII Remake, you will not need to jump back into the first game before you play its sequel, Rebirth. According to Square Enix, the game will be accessible to newcomers and veterans alike, with plenty of tutorials and explanations to help players understand the story and mechanics.

Summer Game Fest's final reveal was the sequel...est of all sequels: Final Fantasy VII Remake's second chapter, Rebirth. It will take Cloud, Aerith, Tifa, Barret, and the rest of the gang to new heights and depths, with a branching story, more open exploration, and new enemies to face.

In conclusion, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is shaping up to be an epic and unforgettable experience for fans of the series. With stunning graphics, exciting battles, and a branching storyline, it promises to be a worthy successor to the beloved original game. And with a release window of early 2024, the wait is almost over.

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