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Is Microsoft Selling Xbox?

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Discussion of Microsoft potentially selling Xbox to Sony. Images of Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X with controllers. Resource for people who make and sell games.

of the Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X with controllers have been circulating around the internet as we await the war between the two consoles. With the Playstation 5 being the best-selling console in the UK in November, sales for the Xbox Series X|S increased 21 percent month-on-month and 15 percent year-on-year.

Microsoft Selling Xbox: Is It Really Happening?

This week, the idea of Microsoft selling Xbox seems ludicrous, but there's actually been a bit of discussion about it. Microsoft is willing to fight tooth and nail to assimilate Activision Blizzard into the company, but if all else fails, Microsoft selling Xbox could be a reality.

This would be one of the largest stories in the gaming industry if it happens, as the Xbox brand is about more than just gaming at this point. Microsoft and Sony are playing different games, and this could be the ultimate way to level the playing field.

The idea of Microsoft selling Xbox to Sony has been further discussed in the context of the Activision Blizzard acquisition. The European Commission is looking into the acquisition, and some have suggested that if the acquisition falls through, Microsoft should consider selling Xbox to Sony. Doing so would weaken the rivalry between Microsoft's Xbox and Sony's PlayStation, and stop the European Commission from taking it to a structural remedy, such as making Microsoft sell CoD.

The resource for people who make and sell games, Gamer Network Limited, has also weighed in on the idea of Microsoft selling Xbox. They point out that the Xbox brand has been around for more than two decades and is a powerhouse in the gaming industry. They also note that the best-selling Xbox console has a big blemish on its record, as the Xbox One was not as popular as the Xbox 360.

Moreover, a reader suggests that if the Activision Blizzard acquisition falls through, Microsoft should think about selling Xbox to Sony. This would be a great move for both companies, as it would give Sony access to the Xbox Live subscription service, giving them a huge advantage over their competitors.

At the end of the day, Microsoft selling Xbox to Sony may be a pipe dream, but it is something that has been discussed. Whether or not it will actually happen remains to be seen, but the idea of Microsoft and Sony joining forces is definitely an intriguing one.

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