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Gamepads in the Military: How Xbox Controllers Are Used for More Than Just Gaming

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The role of Xbox controllers in modern military technology.

description: a photo of an xbox controller being held by a soldier. the soldier is wearing military gear and is standing in front of a tank. the controller is plugged into a laptop computer that is mounted on the tank's exterior.

Gamepads have come a long way since their humble beginnings as a way to play video games. Today, they are used to control all sorts of technology, from drones to submarines. At least two next-generation U.S. military weapons systems are operated in part through Xbox-style video game controllers. This might come as a surprise to some, but it shouldn't. Gamepads are so good at controlling things, that the U.S. military frequently uses them.

The missing Titanic submersible was run with a Logitech gamepad controller. The Navy uses Xbox controllers to operate photonic masts in some of its newer submarines. Even the periscopes on submarines are now being operated with Xbox 360 controllers. It makes sense, when you think about it. Gamepads are designed to be intuitive and easy to use. They also tend to be more affordable than custom-designed military controllers.

Some people, journalists included, seem shocked that a video game controller was used to pilot the submersible vessel that was exploring the wreckage of the Titanic. But why should they be? The idea that video game controllers are only good for gaming is outdated. They are, in fact, excellent control devices, and their use in the military is evidence of that.

A new art exhibition features an Xbox controller cast in lead and copper. It's a commentary on the military appropriation of childhood and its association with video games. But the truth is, the use of gamepads in the military is not just a symbolic gesture. It is a practical one, born out of a need for affordable, intuitive control devices.

Of course, not all military technology is controlled with gamepads. There are still plenty of custom-designed controllers out there, especially in more specialized fields. But for many applications, gamepads are a perfectly good choice. And as they continue to evolve, who knows what other uses they might find in the military?

It's worth noting that gamepads are not just being used by the U.S. military. Photos show Ukrainian soldiers using a Steam Deck to operate the Sabre weapon system. The Steam Deck is a handheld gaming device that is also capable of running other software. It's a good example of how versatile gamepads can be.

Even though Microsoft has moved on from the Xbox 360 controller, the United States military still seems to think it is an ideal tool for certain applications. It's not hard to see why. The controller is durable, affordable, and easy to use. And it can be customized to fit specific needs.

From the outside, the Carmel looks like any conventional weapon of war. It is wrapped in extra thick layers of steel, and bristling with antennas and other high-tech gear. But inside, it's a different story. The Carmel is controlled, in part, with an Xbox controller. It's just another example of how gamepads are being used in unexpected ways.

In conclusion, the use of gamepads in the military is not just a gimmick. It's a practical choice that is born out of a need for affordable, intuitive control devices. The fact that gamepads are so versatile only adds to their appeal. As technology continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see what other uses gamepads might find in the military and beyond.

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