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Microsoft Rewards Overhaul on Xbox: What You Need to Know

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Xbox is changing Microsoft Rewards system on Console with updates.

description: an anonymous gamer sitting in front of a tv screen playing xbox, with a look of concentration on their face as they navigate the new microsoft rewards system on their console.

In case you missed it, Microsoft Rewards is undergoing a transformation on Xbox right now. This overhaul is a part of Microsoft's efforts to simplify and streamline the rewards system for gamers on the Xbox platform. With the new Rewards hub and gaming activities coming to Xbox, the company has announced that they will no longer be publishing offers in the Microsoft Rewards app on the console. This change is aimed at making it easier for users to access and redeem their rewards directly through the Xbox interface.

One of the major changes that users have noticed is the adjustment in the points value for gift card redemptions. Microsoft has reportedly increased the points required to redeem gift cards by up to 33%. For example, a $50 Microsoft gift card now requires more points to redeem than before. This unexpected adjustment has left some users disappointed with the decrease in the overall value of their rewards.

Additionally, Microsoft has made other changes to the Rewards system on Xbox. They have removed the daily 15-point bonus for using Microsoft Edge and have reduced the rewards for daily activities to just one or two points. These changes are part of the company's efforts to streamline the rewards system and make it more efficient for users.

The Rewards hub will now be the 'go-to location' for Xbox Rewards, consolidating all rewards and activities into one central hub on the Xbox platform. This means that the familiar Microsoft Rewards app on Xbox will soon be closing, along with its weekly challenges and bonus offers. Users will now be able to access all of their rewards and activities directly through the Xbox interface.

As of December 4, 2023, Microsoft's Reward program now features a Cooldown period. This means that users will need to wait a certain amount of time before they can earn more points after completing certain activities. This new feature is aimed at preventing abuse of the rewards system and ensuring fair play among users.

Overall, Microsoft's decision to overhaul the Rewards system on Xbox is aimed at simplifying the experience for users and making it easier for them to access and redeem their rewards. By consolidating all rewards and activities into one central hub on the Xbox platform, Microsoft is hoping to improve user engagement and retention. While some users may be disappointed with the changes in points value and rewards structure, the company is confident that the new system will ultimately lead to a better overall experience for gamers on the Xbox platform.

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