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Final Fantasy 7 Remake Xbox Release: What We Know So Far

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Final Fantasy 7 Remake content is finally coming to Xbox, but not as expected.

final fantasy 7 remake xbox

Sadly, Final Fantasy VII Remake won't get an Xbox port anytime soon. Sony has prevented Final Fantasy VII Remake and several other Square Enix games from coming to Xbox due to restrictions in their contract. However, there might be some hope for Xbox players as Final Fantasy 7 Remake content is finally coming to Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One, but perhaps not quite as we hoped.

In September 2020, Microsoft announced its acquisition of ZeniMax Media, which includes Bethesda Softworks and several other game studios. Sony points to Microsoft making future ZeniMax games Xbox console exclusives, including 'Starfield and Elder Scrolls VI,' as a reason for not allowing Final Fantasy 7 Remake to come to Xbox.

We've seen a number of recent Square Enix games skip Xbox, including Final Fantasy 7 Remake, which cannot come to Xbox due to the terms of the contract between Square Enix and Sony. However, Microsoft has been trying to change this and has even offered to buy Square Enix. Still, Sony's hold on the franchise seems strong.

The original Final Fantasy VII was released on the PlayStation in 1997, and the remake was released as a timed exclusive for the PlayStation 4 in April 2020. The game was well-received by both fans and critics, with many praising its updated graphics, voice acting, and expanded story content.

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 was released at the end of last year and has been well-received by fans. It is a prequel to the events of the original game and follows the story of Zack Fair, a member of SOLDIER. The game was originally released on the PlayStation Portable in 2007, but the remastered version was only released on PlayStation 4.

The Resident Evil 4 Remake will be released on March 24, 2023, and is expected to be available on Xbox, PlayStation, and PC. The original game was released in 2005 and was a critical and commercial success. It has since been ported to various platforms and has become a fan favorite.

Sony Prevents Final Fantasy 7 Remake From Coming To Xbox, But There Is Hope

Cloud brandishing his Buster Sword in FFVIIR's combat. According to TheGamer, Microsoft has been trying to negotiate with Square Enix to bring Final Fantasy VII Remake to Xbox, but Sony's hold on the franchise seems strong. However, Microsoft has been trying to make inroads by acquiring ZeniMax Media, which includes Bethesda Softworks and several other game studios.

Sony has blocked Final Fantasy VII Remake on Xbox, Microsoft says. The remake of the seventh installment of the Square Enix franchise debuted as a timed exclusive for the PlayStation 4 in April 2020. The game was praised for its updated graphics, voice acting, and expanded story content.

It first released on PC and Xbox, with ports to the Switch and PlayStation near the end of January 2023. It then got its first set of crossover content with Final Fantasy VII Remake. However, the game is not available on Xbox, and it is unclear if it ever will be.

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Remastered will launch this winter on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC. The game is a remastered version of the original Crisis Core, which was released on the PlayStation Portable in 2007. The remastered version features updated graphics and improved gameplay.

In conclusion, while Final Fantasy 7 Remake may not be coming to Xbox anytime soon, there is still hope for Xbox players. Microsoft's acquisition of ZeniMax Media and continued negotiations with Square Enix may lead to the game eventually coming to Xbox. Until then, Xbox players can still enjoy the upcoming Crisis Core remastered version and other Square Enix games available on the platform.

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