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Insurgency Sandstorm's Operation: Accolade Update Brings New Map and Weapons

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New World Interactive's popular multiplayer first-person shooter, Insurgency Sandstorm, gets a major update with Operation: Accolade, adding a new map, weapons, and more.

description: an anonymous soldier with a rifle in hand is standing in a rural village with buildings and trees in the background.

New World Interactive has released a major update for Insurgency Sandstorm, titled 1.14 Operation: Accolade. This update brings a new map, weapons, game modes, and various improvements and bug fixes. The new map, Outskirts, is set in a rural village and offers a mix of both close-quarters and long-range combat. Players will also have access to new weapons, including the M240B machine gun, the M99 anti-materiel rifle, and the G3 battle rifle.

In addition to the new map and weapons, Operation: Accolade also introduces two new game modes. Firefight Hardcore is a more challenging version of the existing Firefight mode, with no respawns and limited ammunition. Domination is a new mode where players must capture and hold three objectives to win the round.

The latest Deals with Gold are here, offering some additional discounts alongside a Spotlight Sale and the ongoing Spring Sale bargains. Xbox Live Gold members can save up to 75% on select titles for the Xbox One and Xbox 360. Insurgency Sandstorm is not included in this week's Deals with Gold, but it is still a popular game worth checking out.

Focus Entertainment has one last update for the second year of Insurgency: Sandstorm, which goes all out to add new items and more. Operation: Accolade is the final major content update for Year 2 of the game, and it brings a ton of new content and improvements to the game.

Insurgency: Sandstorm's final 'major content update' of Year 2 is now available. As part of its fourth-anniversary celebration, the game has been updated with a new map, weapons, game modes, and more. The update is free to all players and is available now on Steam.

Insurgency: Sandstorm is still massively popular four years after its initial release, and with the expansion to consoles, its following has only grown. The game has been praised for its realistic and immersive gameplay, as well as its focus on teamwork and communication.

Insurgency: Sandstorm is a team-based multiplayer tactical first-person shooter. The new free update 1.14, Operation: Accolade adds a new map, weapons, game modes, and various improvements and bug fixes. It's a great time to jump into the game and experience all the new content.

New World has released Insurgency Sandstorm update 1.15 for Operation Accolade. This update includes various improvements and bug fixes, as well as some new content. One of the biggest additions is the new map, Outskirts, which provides a rural setting for intense combat scenarios.

Operation: Accolade is the final major Year 2 content update for FPS Insurgency: Sandstorm, and with it comes a new map, weapons, game modes, and various improvements and bug fixes. The update is available now on Steam and is free to all players.

New World Interactive finally brought Insurgency: Sandstorm over to consoles last September, following an almost three-year period as a PC exclusive. The game has been well-received on consoles and has a dedicated player base. The new Operation: Accolade update adds even more content and improvements to the game, making it a great time to jump in and experience all the action.

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