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Revisiting the Golden Age of Gaming: The 90s Game Consoles

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A trip down memory lane for gamers who grew up in the 90s.

90s game consoles

The 90s were a wildly successful decade for gaming as a whole. While PC gaming was the new kid on the block, consoles and handheld gaming devices were already gaining popularity. The decade saw the launch of several iconic gaming consoles that are still remembered fondly today. From the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) to the Sega Genesis, the 90s was a time when gaming consoles were at their peak.

Despite what you might think, the NES wasn't Nintendo's first games machine, and there's a lot more to the company's history than many people realize. The company had already released consoles like the Color TV Game and the Game & Watch before the NES. However, it was the NES that truly made Nintendo a household name. The NES introduced several iconic franchises like Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, and Metroid.

The best video games in the 90s were spread across a wide variety of genres, showing the greatest offerings for gaming at that point in history. From platformers to role-playing games (RPGs), the 90s had it all. Some of the most popular games from that era include Super Mario World, Sonic the Hedgehog, Final Fantasy VII, and Chrono Trigger.

There is no denying that contemporary gaming consoles offer stunning graphics and effects. If you were born after 2000, you probably take these advancements for granted. However, there was something special about the graphics of 90s games. The pixelated graphics and 8-bit soundtracks of games like Donkey Kong Country and Mega Man X still have a special place in the hearts of many gamers.

If you miss sitting in your room playing Mario on an old TV, this game's for you. Nintendo recently released the SNES Classic Edition, a mini version of the iconic 16-bit console that comes preloaded with 21 classic games. The console is a hit among gamers who grew up in the 90s and want to relive their childhood memories.

While there's always the opportunity to return to the consoles where these gems started, plenty of 90s titles can now be played on current consoles. Nintendo's Virtual Console allows gamers to play classic titles from the NES, SNES, and Nintendo 64 on their Wii, Wii U, and 3DS systems. Similarly, the Sega Genesis Classics collection is available on modern consoles like the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Today Nintendo is a worldwide phenomenon. After helping to save the whole videogame industry after the 1983 videogame crash (particularly in North America), Nintendo became the powerhouse of the industry. The company is still going strong today with the release of the Nintendo Switch, a hybrid gaming console that can be played both at home and on the go.

For collectors, there's a rare collection of game consoles that is up for sale. For this lofty sum, you get roughly 2400 different game consoles, comprising what may be the single largest collection in the world. The collection includes consoles from the 70s, 80s, and 90s, as well as more modern systems like the PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360.

There were a plethora of Star Wars games released in the 1990s, but which comes out on top? It's a difficult question to answer, but many gamers would argue that Star Wars: Dark Forces is one of the best. The game was a first-person shooter that allowed players to explore the Star Wars universe in a way that had never been done before. The game was a critical and commercial success and is still remembered fondly today.

Overall, the 90s were a golden age for gaming. The decade saw the birth of many iconic franchises and introduced gaming to a whole new generation. While modern gaming has its own unique charm, there's something special about the games and consoles of the 90s that will always hold a special place in the hearts of gamers.

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