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Kingmakers: A Revolutionary Blend of Medieval Warfare and Modern Arsenal

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Explore the unique fusion of historical battles and futuristic weaponry.

description: an anonymous player character equipped with an assault rifle stands on a medieval battlefield, surrounded by soldiers in armor. the sky is filled with dark storm clouds, hinting at the impending clash of historical and futuristic warfare.

Redemption Road Games announced its new game on Tuesday. It's called Kingmakers, and while it looks like a generic medieval sandbox game at first glance, it offers a fresh take on the genre. Some may look at an early clip of Kingmakers and think they already know what to expect: tactical battles in which you command medieval armies. However, this game is so much more than that.

Kingmakers is a mashup of modern shooting and medieval era warfare, in which you can fight on the battlefield and command troops from a third-person perspective. The game combines elements of real-time strategy and third-person action gameplay, offering a unique and immersive experience for players. Publisher tinyBuild and developer Redemption Road Games have announced Kingmakers as a third-person shooter/strategy game where players will navigate through large-scale battles in medieval England.

Kingmakers is a forthcoming action/strategy game featuring larger-than-life battles in medieval England with a soldier from the future. Players will have the opportunity to bring modern weapons, such as an assault rifle, to the historical battlefield. The announcement trailer for Kingmakers showcases the game's unique blend of historical and futuristic elements, promising an exciting and innovative gameplay experience.

Get ready to bring modern weapons, like an assault rifle and more, to medieval England. Watch the announcement trailer for Kingmakers, which showcases the game's stunning graphics and intense gameplay. With its mix of time travel and AK47s, Kingmakers is shaping up to be a must-play for fans of both historical and futuristic warfare.

Yeah, this game looks bonkers. Check out when you mix time travel with an AK47. The Kingmakers trailer is a rare must-see for gamers who enjoy blending historical warfare with modern weaponry. Redemption Road Games have announced their second title, KingMakers, a blend of real-time strategy (RTS) and third-person action gameplay that promises to deliver an exciting and engaging gaming experience.

Tinybuild has announced Redemption Road Games' Kingmakers, which takes medieval battle simulation and perverts it with modern firepower. This unique blend of historical and futuristic elements sets Kingmakers apart from other games in the genre, offering players a fresh and exciting gaming experience. With its stunning graphics and innovative gameplay, Kingmakers is sure to be a hit among fans of action/strategy games.

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