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Fixing PS5 Controller Stick Drift: A Quick and Easy Guide

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Learn how to easily repair PlayStation 5 controller stick drift.

description: an anonymous person holding a ps5 controller, inspecting the thumbstick for drift issues. they are using a paperclip to gently reset the controller through a small hole on the back.

PlayStation 5 controller stick drift is a common issue that many gamers face, causing their in-game characters to move on their own. This problem can be frustrating and impact gameplay experience. However, there are simple solutions to fix PS5 controller drift that can be done at home.

If you encounter the PlayStation 5 DualSense drift, here's an easy fix that takes just seconds. Look on the back of your DualSense for a small hole where the reset button is hidden. You will need something like a paperclip to gently insert and reset the controller.

To fix stick drift on your PS5 controller, ensure that your console and controller are up to date with the latest software updates. Additionally, you can try clearing debris by slowly rotating the analogue stick or cleaning the base of the stick. Another method is to lift the thumbstick out of its housing and rotate it before putting it back in.

With stick drift affecting many controllers, it's reassuring to see Sony making it easier for users to repair faulty thumbsticks. These DIY solutions can help extend the lifespan of your PS5 controller and improve your gaming experience.

There are three main reasons why a PS4/PS5 controller might not be charging, with a faulty connection being the most common issue. Troubleshoot by checking the USB ports, using a different USB-C cable, and syncing the controller to fix connectivity problems.

If your PS5 controller won't connect, try syncing it, using a different USB-C cable, checking the USB ports, and disconnecting other devices. These steps can help resolve connection issues and get you back to gaming quickly.

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