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Resident Evil Returns to PC: A Nostalgic Treat for Steam Players

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The original Resident Evil is back on PC with Capcom's partnership.

description: a dark and eerie screenshot from a resident evil game, featuring an abandoned mansion with flickering lights and shadows lurking in the corners. the atmosphere is tense and foreboding, setting the stage for a thrilling horror experience.

Resident Evil fans are in for a nostalgic treat. The series has returned to PC through Gog, thanks to a collaboration between Capcom and CD Projekt. But what about Steam players? Will they get the chance to relive the horror-filled adventures of Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine?

Barely a week after a strange PEGI rating for the original PC version of Resident Evil appeared on the ratings board's website, the aura of excitement among fans is palpable. Could this mean that Steam will finally see the release of the classic horror game?

The original Resident Evil returns to PC on GOG for $9.99, with Resident Evil 2 and 3 joining in 2024. This news has sparked a renewed interest in the franchise, as players eagerly anticipate the chance to once again face off against hordes of zombies and other monstrosities.

Brave Steam players can immerse themselves in a Resident Evil and Call of Duty-esque world in this free download. With the combination of survival horror elements and intense action sequences, this game promises to deliver an adrenaline-pumping experience for fans of both genres.

A rating for the PC version of the original Resident Evil has sparked speculation that Capcom may be gearing up to release the classic horror game on Steam. Could this be the beginning of a new era for the franchise on the popular gaming platform?

You've got to love Steam Next Fest. The video team has already put together a list of its must-play Steam Next Fest demos, but there's just something special about the prospect of experiencing the terror of Resident Evil on PC once again.

Those Resident Evil remakes are great. Really great. But you know what's better? The original Resident Evil. Well, kinda. Look, I'll admit it, there's something about the classic game that just can't be replicated in a remake.

You can forget Resident Evil 9 or the Silent Hill 2 Remake, as a new, terrifying horror game arrives for Steam Next Fest with a new demo. The excitement surrounding this upcoming release is palpable, as players eagerly anticipate the chance to once again face off against hordes of zombies and other monstrosities.

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